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How to access AMI-audio Podcasts on Overcast

Overcast is supported by advertising and is free in the app store for iOS devices. Through in-app purchases, it is possible to get rid of these ads and obtain more advanced features. However, this is not necessary in order to fully enjoy podcasts. Overcast is updated frequently. One of the features which sets this app apart is called Voice Boost. It alters the sound of podcasts which makes spoken dialogue easier to hear. This could prove especially helpful for those with hearing loss. Set the VoiceOver rotor to headings and quickly navigate between playlists, podcasts with fresh content, and older material already heard. Download Overcast using the App Store.

Useful Gestures for this app:

  • One finger touch and drag: explore the screen
  • Swipe right or left: select the next or previous item
  • One finger Double-tap: activate the selected item
  • Two-finger double-tap: answer or end a call. Play or pause in music, videos, voice memos or podcasts
  • Two finger scrub: while touching with two fingers, move back and forth to move back a screen
  • Rotor gesture: while touching the screen with two fingers slightly apart, turn them in the same fashion as turning a dial on a radio
  • One finger swipe up or down: activates the feature you have chosen with the rotor gesture

How to Subscribe:

  1. When you open the app for the first time, it will ask you if you wish to receive notifications. It’s recommended to allow this, as the app will alert you when you have a new podcast.
  2. Swipe right until you reach the allow button and double tap on it. From there, flick right three times and you will reach the "Add Podcasts" button. Double-tap to activate.
  3. From the top left, flick right until you come to an edit field labelled "Search Directory.” Double-tap on this edit field and then type in what you want to search for. For example, Kelly and Company. Double-tap the "Search” button which appears on the bottom right to perform your search.
  4. You will then be taken to a list of results your search term has found. Flick left or right to navigate this list and double-tap the show you want. This takes you into a show entry page. Flick right to find the "Subscribe" button and double-tap this. If the subscription is successful, you will be presented with a “Done” button. Double-tap to dismiss it and you will be brought back to the main screen. 

How to Play:

  1. On the main screen, slowly slide your finger from the top of the screen. When you find the podcast title you want, double tap on it.  
  2. You can then navigate the list of episodes by flicking right or left. There are two buttons that control the view. You can double-tap on the “Unplayed” button, which will only show the episodes you haven’t listened to yet or the “All” button which will list all available episodes. Double-tap on the episode you want to hear, and you will be presented with a range of options. The first option is the "Play" button. Double-tap this and the episode will begin playing.
  3. During playback, a special screen will appear with controls to help you enjoy and/or share what you're listening to. This includes an “Effects” button where you will find the "Voice Boost" feature as well as other options such as a speed control. When visiting the “Effects” features, please note that the “Dismiss Popup” button cannot be reached by flicking to it. You will need to find it by sliding your finger on the screen. Double-tap it and you will be brought back to the player.
  4. When done listening, double-tap the "Back" button in the top left corner. This returns you to the playlist or list of episodes you were in. This won't stop playback. You can explore, subscribe to podcasts and do other things while still listening to an episode. Double-tapping anywhere on the screen with two fingers, also known as the “magic gesture,” allows easy pausing and resuming of playback even while in other apps.  

Final notes:

  •  It is highly recommended to visit the Settings screen on this app. Under the “New Episodes” setting, change it to streaming instead of download.  Otherwise, you may find your phone quickly filling up. The download feature is useful when you know you won’t have internet access for a while.  
  • Of note are the new Siri shortcut features. For example, you can have Siri commands to “Play,” “Pause,” “Speed Up,” “Speed Down.” You can even have Siri set a sleep timer for you. Double-tap on Siri Shortcut, flick through the options and double-tap on the one you would like to activate. Flick through the resulting screen and follow the prompts to enable it. You will need to record a shortcut phrase. Once that is set up, flick to the “Done” button and double-tap. Double-tap on the “Back” button until you return to the main screen.

Was this helpful? We want your feedback. Tell us what you think about these platforms. Are they accessible? Do you enjoy using them? Is there another app you use to download podcasts that you prefer?

Email us at or reach out to us on Twitter @AMIaudio and let us know what you think!

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