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  • Kain Nathaniel

    Kain Nathaniel

    Duration: minutes and seconds

    In this That Sex Show extended interview, host Rachele Manett speaks with Kain Nathaniel, who identifies as demisexual. The pair discuss identifying sexuality in their lives.

  • Dr. Mitchell Tepper

    Dr. Mitchell Tepper

    Duration: minutes and seconds

    In this That Sex Show extended interview, host Rachele Manett speaks with Dr. Mitchell Tepper, a sexologist who specializes in sexuality and disability and chronic conditions. The two discuss the evolution of sex education and how the Internet can help with that education.

  • Andrew Jantzen

    Andrew Jantzen

    Duration: minutes and seconds

    In this That Sex Show extended interview, host Rachele Manett speaks with Andrew Jantzen. The pair discuss The Tetra Society, a national organization that builds custom assistive devices for people with disabilities and their role in adapting sex toys for everyone.