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Pursuing the Path of Entrepreneurship

Authored on April 18, 2023

"In this week’s episode, the Triple Vision team talks with Kevin Shaw, a self-proclaimed entrepreneur who is currently the Digital Accessibility Lead for the online bank, Tangerine, and has some experience starting up his own businesses. The team asks Kevin questions about the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur with sight loss. The podcast provides an engaging look into entrepreneurship as a viable career choice for Canadians who are blind, deafblind and partially sighted.

Indeed the team asks the question, ""Why is it that it does not seem that entrepreneurship has ever been promoted as a practical career choice for many members of our community?""

“Entrepreneurship is really about sharing your talent with the world, and going out there, developing a skill. Maybe it's in computers, maybe it's working with your hands, and sharing that with people. I think that’s why it's been growing so much and that’s why I think some people are looking at this as a viable option."""

You Actually Might Have Choice

Authored on April 6, 2023

"In this week’s episode, the Triple Vision team speaks with Elizabeth Lalonde of the Pacific Training Centre in Victoria, and Deborah Gold of BALANCE for Blind Adults in Toronto. Elizabeth and Deborah talk about how their organizations offer rehabilitation services to the blind and visually impaired community. The podcast offers a glimpse into how Canadians do have choice, although still somewhat limited, when it comes to the services they can access.

“We learnt a lot through the pandemic. I’m very proud of the way we pivoted in four days. We were really the first organization serving blind people in North America to be able to continue service. I was online with people all over the States, working in organizations. It took months for many of them to get so that they could provide service again. We never stopped.” "

A Single Story of Governance, Part 3

Authored on March 7, 2023

"In this third part in the Triple Vision team’s exploration of governance at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), David Best and Peter Field talk with Chief Operating Officer, Angela Bonfanti and its new National Board Chair, Robert Fenton. Angela and Robert talk candidly about the role of the foundation in the lives of blind Canadians. They also answer some direct questions passed along by Canadian consumers in the team’s previous podcast about participation of blind, deafblind, and partially sighted Canadians on the foundation's board.

“I believe, as Chair of the Board, that it's very important to have good relationships with all of the consumer groups. That doesn’t mean that we agree on everything. It means that we can talk and we can candidly discuss things and share perspectives, and get input from these groups who represent more than one individual or a small group of individuals at a time. It's important to have input from these groups and to be seen as a partner.” Tune into this episode for the continuing narrative of a single story of governance."