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April Hubbard smiles into the camera.

Meet April Hubbard

April Hubbard is an advocate, arts administrator, accessibility consultant, and a proud queer, Mad, Disabled woman living in K’jipuktuk/Halifax. 

April's career as an actor ended when she was diagnosed with a tethered spinal cord and chronic pain since a visible disability made her unwelcome on stage. Over the past two decades, she has created spaces where those with unseen bodies and unheard voices have a place in the arts. April recently authored a report outlining barriers to participation in the performing arts in Nova Scotia and made recommendations for change.  

In 2019, April returned to the stage when the ladies of LEGacy Circus challenged her to embrace her unique body. As a circus artist, she proudly shows her body without hiding its differences; to challenge assumptions and normalize the presence of people who are disabled in our everyday world. April dreams of the day when she no longer needs to fight for the rights of artists and audience members in the disability community and can instead focus on writing her own circus show.